Site Visit

By in Haiti on December 9, 2010 at 6:42 pm

One car two site visits. How best to divide the time accordingly? Well why not team up and help each other out? Visiting Ecole Mixte de Nancy and Institut du Foyer Savior aka Home of Knowledge, to conduct site measurements, site verifications and client meetings.

Stop A; Ecole Mixte de Nancy, a privately owned school for children from pre-school up to 6th grade. Stop B; Home of Knowledge, a church run school for kindergarten kids up to the 6th grade.

In order to help each other out, we (the Home of Knowledge) crew decided to help out with the site measurements while they conduct the client meeting.

The school is using a temporary structure while the existing building is left empty, apart from the teachers using various rooms for storage and offices.

The space is rather tight on this plot of land, therefore the plan is to demolish the existing building to maximize the site.

After lunch we made our way to Stop B, in French it is known as Institut du Foyer Savior, and in English it is 'Home of Knowledge.' Currently the site is a vacant plot of land which has a dense overgrowth and a not so friendly critter.

The spot heights of this site a rather extreme and we needed to make sure the topographical surveys match the heights of our drawings. To conclude the top site survey was indeed correct and thus we needed to adjust our drawings to suit.

It was a great thing that the two school teams teamed up as we couldn't have measured the site with only three people, so in the end having six people with four locals to help out made this site visit one of the most adventurous and physical!