Archive for December 2010

Site Visit

By in Haiti on December 9, 2010 at 6:42 pm

One car two site visits. How best to divide the time accordingly? Well why not team up and help each other out? Visiting Ecole Mixte de Nancy and Institut du Foyer Savior aka Home of Knowledge, to conduct site measurements, site verifications and client meetings.

Stop A; Ecole Mixte de Nancy, a privately owned school for children from pre-school up to 6th grade. Stop B; Home of Knowledge, a church run school for kindergarten kids up to the 6th grade.

Election Results

By in Haiti on December 8, 2010 at 4:07 pm

Tensions are very high at the moment when the results of the 28th November election was released last night 7th December 2010. The results was saw Mirlande Manigat with 31.7%, Jude Celestin with 22.48% and Michel Martelly with 21.84%. The people know they voted for Manigat and Martelly, so how did Celestin squeeze into the top two?

This is the key reason why protester's have hit the streets, torching car tires, throwing rubble and ripping down and igniting Jude Celestin posters.

The Rebuilding Centre

By in Haiti on December 3, 2010 at 8:52 pm

The Rebuilding Centre is the base for the Architecture for Humanity and has recently been awarded a grant for $800K thereabout grant from the Bush/Clinton Fund.

AFH office is housed on the ground floor and this is where I spend most of my days here in Haiti.

Haiti Presidential Elections

By in Haiti on December 1, 2010 at 12:54 am

The presidential elections in Haiti caused much disruption and 'lock-down.' For four days we stayed in the Maison, not even allowed to go for a jog or a walk up and down the hill!

For months election fever spread throughout the country with campaign posters strewn on all empty walls, poles, fences, fallen houses too! The run up to the 28th November saw more and more poster flying up in the sky, covering opposition posters even one candidate decided to have a different image and re-did his poster!